Screenshots - Asus - WL-500GP V2 (Asus Firmware)

Asus - WL-500GP V2 (Asus Firmware)

Screenshot Database

Some screenshots have small distortions that were used to blur out personal info such as IP addresses and usernames.
(Click on a picture to view its full size.)

Internet Connection Status

Wireless Home Gateway

Quick Setup

Wireless- Interface

Wireless- Bridge

Status and Log- 11g Interface

Status and Log- DHCP Leases

Wireless- Access Control

Status and Log- Port Forwarding

Status and Log- Routing Table

Status and Log- System Log

Wireless- RADIUS Setting

Wireless- Advanced

IP Config- WAN and LAN

IP Config- IPv6

IP Config- SNMP

IP Config- DHCP Server

IP Config- Route

IP Config- Miscellaneous

NAT Setting- Port Trigger

NAT Setting- Virtual Server

NAT Server- Virtual DMZ

Internet Firewall- Basic Config

Internet Firewall- WAN and LAN Filter

Internet Firewall- MAC Filter

USB Application- FTP Server

USB Application- Samba File Sharing

USB Application- NFS Server

USB Application- Web Camera

Bandwidth Management- Basic Config

System Setup- Operation Mode

Advanced Services Configuration

System Setup- Change Name

System Setup- Change Password

System Setup- Firmware Upgrade

System Setup- Setting Management

System Setup- Flashfs Management

System Setup- Factory Default

System Command

Status and Log- Status